Promotional products glossary: I -


Glossary to the themes Promotional Products - Promotional items - Giveaway

In our promotional items glossary you find a lot of explanations of headwords around the theme of marketing, promotional items, promotional products, giveaway and promotional gifts.

Initial sample

See Corporate Fashion. 
Textile promotional products produced according the Corporate-Identity of the customer as promotional items or giveaway

See also:
Corporate Fashion

See too:
Corporate fashion

Incentives are cash or prizes, events or trips, promotional items or giveaway as implemented by businesses, in order to influence, motivate or reward individuals (such as clients, colleges, business partners and politicians).
The word "incentive" originates from the Latin word "incendere" and means "to stoke up enthusiasm", "to set alight", "to burn", "to illuminate", "to heighten", "to increase2.

Initial sample

The initial sample is during the production process of giveaway and promotional items a finished sample before commerce of the mass production with the promotional imprint (print, embroidery, label etc). The initial sample shows the promotional products, how the finished mass production will ultimately look like.

See too:
Pressure sample

Promotional items and giveaway are added to a product as Inpacks, thereby increasing product activity. Promotional products, promotional items, giveaway, advertising material, articles and gifts – these are the names give to the small, additional packets which accompany a packet ordered by the customer. In this way, the customer practically receives a free promotional items and giveaway as an promotional product along with his/her order. Consequently, the promotional items and giveaway can be incorporated into the calculation of the net cost.

Inpacks generate interest as collector's items and sometimes even reach cult-status. The worth of the promotional products, of which usually only a limited number is produced, increase yearly, and Inpacks can occasionally be sold to other collectors for several thousand Euros. Many customers buy a product purely for the desired Inpack and promotional products. A truly classic Inpack is the Kinder Surprise. The purchase in this case is accompanied by anticipation and play. Inpacks should be fun for the customer, this promotional products should surprise him/her.


Interlock is a knitted material which is very popular for the production of textile promotional products as promotional items and giveaway and which looks identical on both sides. It is produced by the combination of two ribbed fabrics with the mesh structure to the left/right. The finely ribbed fabrics are connected by through a process of telescoping, the result of which is the appearance of right-mesh structures on both sides. In contrast the left mesh structures are located within the knitted fabric itself.
The result of this manufacturing technique is a warming, elastic, smooth fabric surface, virtually insusceptible to ladders.
High-quality textile promotional products as underwear and T-shirts are made from Interlock material as promotional items and giveaway.